Community Call 11/15: Fighting Deportation Round-Ups

Fighting Deportation Roundups: Tools, Tips, and Resources for Impacted Southeast Asian American Families

SEARAC Action Alert: Image of SEARAC community protesting

The recent roundups of Cambodian and Vietnamese community members for deportation have left many families overwhelmed, frightened, and looking for concrete actions to support their loved ones. SEARAC is working closely with Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus to provide families with resources and connect them with legal counsel to explore options to fight deportation.

But when there are no legal avenues for relief left, what can families proactively do to continue fighting?

SEARAC and community advocates will share tips and best practices for family members who are seeking an answer to this exact question. We will also provide an honest analysis of the opportunities and risks of advocacy under a Trump Administration.

Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, November 15 at 12pm PST/3pm EST. Register here for webinar information.

We will be joined by the following speakers: