Today, on Giving Tuesday, we are proud to amplify Southeast Asian American stories. Storytelling is a critical component of SEARAC’s mission. We share stories that are untold in the media, that are unheard in congressional offices, that often go unsaid beyond our own circles.

This year, we connected Jeff Thungc, a Lao refugee who resettled in the United States and today works as a digital strategist, to NPR’s StoryCorps team to archive his account of his family’s journey to the United States.
In his interview, he recollected, “I think the refugee camp, to the rest of the outside world, was a place of refuge. But for those of us who were living in the camp, what we experienced was starvation and persecution, camp guards’ brutalities and death. … Coming to America wasn’t something we thought of or had planned. We came here not because the grass feels greener. We came here because fire was burning on our feet.”
Jeff’s reflections join others that we’ll be uplifting through animations on our social media channels today and in the coming year. Each of these interviews is a testament to the richness and resilience that marks the Southeast Asian American communities.
HELP SEARAC REACH OUR GOAL OF $20K IN FIVE DAYS! Today only, a generous donor will match all donations, up to $4,000. Through your donation to SEARAC, you’ll be investing in our work to elevate community stories that are vital to our collective push for equity.