In the aftermath of war and genocide in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, many SEAAs were separated in their escape to safety. Our immigration system must ensure the timely and humane reunification fo families.Elaine Sanchez Wilson
This historic bill would limit deportations of Southeast Asian refugees and provide further relief for those with final orders of removal.Elaine Sanchez Wilson
SEAAs and other immigrant and refugee communities want a fair chance to thrive, but we cannot do so while we are subject to a dehumanizing, unjust immigration system.Elaine Sanchez Wilson
Since its passage in 2010, the ACA has greatly increased access to affordable health care for SEAAs and reduced the number of SEAAs withouth health insurance. We must keep building on these successes.Elaine Sanchez Wilson
The Older Americans Act, which provides important services for older adults, should be well-funded and improved to meet the needs of diverse elders, including SEAA elders.Elaine Sanchez Wilson
SEAAs’ refugee history, their invisibility in education data and policy, and systemic racism create barriers to our students’ educational success. Our government must address the disparities that SEAA students experience and invest in their futures.SEARAC Staff
These colleges and universities are essential for increasing higher education access and success to low-income, first generation Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander students, including SEAAs.SEARAC Staff