The census is the largest publicly available dataset with SEAA data. It directly influences political representation and funding for our communities.
SEARAC’s monthly newsletters are a way for us to share the latest news with the community on an array of topics, including key national policy updates in education, health, and immigration, major budget advocacy news from our California office, SEARAC-wide panel talks and presentations, and general announcements from us and our partners.SEARAC Staff
In honor of 25 years, we checked in with 25 graduates who have walked the halls of Congress and statehouses with us and asked them: What memories, lessons, and/or learnings from your time at LAT do you still carry with you either personally or professionally? Here’s what they said.
Through powerful visuals and compelling narratives, we invite you to explore and engage with the stories that shape our collective experience. Elaine Sanchez Wilson
Press Release, Data Equity