Scope: National

People pushing for data disaggregation.

Financials – FY 2023

Report contains SEARAC's statement of financial position, statement of activities, statement of functional expenses, and statement of cash flows, as prepared by an independent auditor. Report
report cover
Green text on a blue background.

SEARAC Urges More Inclusive Census Data

2020 dataset incompletely represents the diversity of SEAA communities Press Release, Data Equity
Pele at a rally.
Quyen speaking on a podium.
Quyen and Nancy on a Zoom webinar.
Posters advocating for diversity.
SEARAC Press Release: Image of SEARAC community with Capitol building in the background

Southeast Asian American Equity Agenda: Our Community’s Priorities for 2023-2024

Gathering the voices of more than 30 SEAA-led and -serving organizations across the country, this transformative agenda outlines key priorities and policy recommendations to create a more just and inclusive society for all, including our refugee and immigrant communities. Report, Data Equity, Education, Health, Mental Health and Aging

SEARAC Condemns Ruling Striking Down Some ACA Preventative Services

Press Release, Health, Mental Health and Aging
People hold signs in support of ACA