Start your holiday shopping and support SEARAC’s mission
SEARAC’s annual end-of-year merchandise fundraiser is live, and we are thrilled to introduce new limited edition “Made by Immigrants” and “Made by Refugees” T-shirts, tote bags, and mugs designed by artist Yer Vang.
Shop all items here.
Yer’s inspiration for this new design comes from her identity and heritage:

“As a Southeast Asian child of a refugee, I have ties to water that feels spiritually and ancestrally inherited. To create through my lens, as many other SEAsian makers do, is to remember our story of resiliency to accessing the opportunities our ancestors would never have dreamed of.”
Find more of Yer’s artwork on Instagram at @yersays. These designs will only be available in our online store for a limited time.
Yer’s gorgeous water-based design inspired us to add new two-tone ceramic coffee mugs to our merch shop!In addition to our T-shirts and tote bags, you can now sport a SEARAC mug while you enjoy your coffee or tea.
All proceeds from the sale of our merchandise will support SEARAC’s policy advocacy and leadership development work. As we look ahead to 2023 – a year of powerful growth and investment in the education, health, and immigration needs of Southeast Asian Americans – SEARAC invites you to join our movement and share our work with your communities.

image description: Hands cradling a body of water with a boat filled with flowers. “The flowers represent the many immigrants and refugees that crossed many bodies of waters to create life and opportunities for people like me to live.” – Yer Vang
Order by Nov. 28th for holiday delivery! Get a gift for yourself, your friends, and your family members — and support SEARAC’s communities!