SEARAC California Update

Southeast Asian American families and communities, along with immigrant, refugee, and families of color continue to experience the relentless attacks by the Trump administration on… Read more

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Open Letter to The Washington Post

  Southeast Asian American students cannot erase their refugee legacies In “The Forgotten Minorities of Higher Education” published March 18, conservative strategist Ed Blum, who… Read more

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SEARAC Joins AAPI Groups in Support of University of North Carolina’s Race-Concious Admissions Policies

Washington, DC – The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) alongside Asian Americans Advancing Justice and more than 60 Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI)… Read more

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Data Disaggregation Versus Affirmative Action

This fact sheet examines the differences between data disaggregation and affirmative action, two policies that SEARAC supports. Click here to access.        … Read more

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Reflections on 2018

Earlier this week, a third wave of deportations to Cambodia happened with a flight of 36 community members leaving behind their loved ones: partners, children,… Read more

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We’re almost there!

Our latest numbers are in, and we continue to be blown away: 109 of you have helped raise $19,035! We’re $965 away from reaching our goal of… Read more

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Statement: SEARAC Remains Committed to Affirmative Action and Race-Conscious College Admissions Policies

Washington, DC—SEARAC is disappointed with the recent decision of the US Department of Justice to support anti-affirmative action plaintiffs in an ongoing lawsuit against Harvard University. The… Read more

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Media Miss the Mark on Southeast Asian American Students and Impact of Affirmative Action

Washington, D.C.-SEARAC is disappointed at the misleading coverage from leading news outlets on a recent lawsuit that was filed against Harvard University by a small… Read more

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Overview Data about student achievement has the power to reveal—and to conceal. Schools and policymakers often lump Southeast Asian American students together with all other… Read more

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