Universal health care through the Affordable Care Act

People hold up signs in support of ACA

Since its passage in 2010, the ACA has greatly increased access to affordable health care for SEAAs and reduced the number of SEAAs withouth health insurance. We must keep building on these successes.

Key resources:

People hold signs in support of ACA

Featured story

person writes on paper

“I began taking oral contraceptives in 2002. I spent roughly $1,440 on oral contraception, at least $160 on well-woman visit co-pays, and the cost of the HPV vaccinne (which was strongly recommended) from the age of 14. My mother, sister, and I have been able to access well-woman visits free of charge since ACA, which also covered birth control for myself and my sister.”

Southeast Asian Americans Speak Out to Protect the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion report
person writes I'm not alone, on paper

“I am a survivor of Cambodian genocide. I have mental problems, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, and stomach problems. My overall health is not great because of these health problems, but I am thankful to have health coverage. If not, I wouldn’t be alive now.

Southeast Asian Americans Speak Out to Protect the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion report
Four people strike silly poses

People Power in Action

Person ties bracelet around another person, people watch close by

Aging with dignity

The Older Americans Act, which provides important services for older adults, should be well-funded and improved to meet the needs of diverse elders, including SEAA elders.

People exercising

Access to universal care through Medi-Cal

All Californians should access necessary health care regardless of their immigration status or where they were born.

Person holds sign saying My Mental Health Matters

Support for culturally competent mental health care

More research, community outreach, language and access support, diverse providers, and funding are needed on SEAA health and mental health.

50 years after war and violence displaced our Southeast Asian communities, our families are STILL being torn apart. 

When we fight for passage of the Southeast Asian Deportation Relief Act and the New Way Forward Act, we fight for community members like Ma Yang, a mom of 5 who has lived in Milwaukee since she was a baby, deported to a country she barely knows after already serving her time. 

🔍 Read her story at the link in our bio.

📧 Sign up for our email list at https://bit.ly/SEARACnews or at the link in our bio to learn how you can support our advocacy.

50 years after war and violence displaced our Southeast Asian communities, our families are STILL being torn apart.

When we fight for passage of the Southeast Asian Deportation Relief Act and the New Way Forward Act, we fight for community members like Ma Yang, a mom of 5 who has lived in Milwaukee since she was a baby, deported to a country she barely knows after already serving her time.

🔍 Read her story at the link in our bio.

📧 Sign up for our email list at https://bit.ly/SEARACnews or at the link in our bio to learn how you can support our advocacy.

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