Policy Priority: Health, Mental Health and Aging

Kham smiling together with his late cousin Marny.

October 2020 Policy Recap

SEARAC Press Release: Image of SEARAC community with Capitol building in the background

On Resilience

Staff Blog, Health, Mental Health and Aging
Elaine sitting with her son on a couch.

Navigating Mental Health as a Khmer Social Worker

Staff Blog, Health, Mental Health and Aging
Nary as a small child sitting on a bed.

Senate HEALS Act Provides Little Relief or Protections for Southeast Asian Americans

COVID-19 relief bill also increases Border Patrol funding Press Release, Education
SEARAC Press Release: Image of SEARAC community with Capitol building in the background

COVID-19 Impact: Ocean’s Story

Community Stories, Health, Mental Health and Aging
Ocean standing behind his family for a photo.

COVID-19 Impact: Leakhena’s Story

Community Stories, Health, Mental Health and Aging
Leakhena standing in front of the Cambodian Mutton Assistance Association's office.

COVID-19 Impact: Bana’s Story

Community Stories, Health, Mental Health and Aging
Bana smiling while holding a cup.

COVID-19 Impact: Carolee’s Story

Community Stories, Health, Mental Health and Aging
An old photo of Carolee and her family.

COVID-19 Impact: Tamthy’s Story

Community Stories, Health, Mental Health and Aging
A group of people wearing masks in front of an open garage,